Using sport to boost confidence, mental health & wellbeing

We offer fun, friendly, free football training to build friendships and spread happiness.

Team Brave passionately believe in harnessing the power of sport to boost confidence and enhance mental health and wellbeing. Our sessions are inclusive, kind and supportive, and we welcome everyone

Our teams


Our Bristol team have fun, free and friendly training sessions at Windmill City Farm, every Wednesday 6-7pm and Sunday 4-5pm.

They also play in and are sponsored by the Bristol Casual League.


Our Southampton team run fun, free and friendly training sessions every Thursday 8-9pm at Knightwood Leisure Centre.

They also play in the Hampshire Play On League and are sponsored by Rooster Marketing.

Our Mission

Brave harness the power of sport to help people to improve their mental & physical health, boost their confidence and to lead a happier life!

Our Partners

We are fortunate enough to be supported by a collection of wonderful charities, businesses and organisations who share our passion of boosting mental & physical health.

Past projects

Find out more about all of our past projects, including the work we’ve done in Chile!

Contact Us

Please get in touch if you would like Brave to support you or your group, or if you would like to support our work in any way. Thank you!